Minimising our environmental impact


Proudly carbon neutral

TSA is proudly certified Carbon Neutral under Trace's scheme. At Tyre Stewardship Australia, we are committed to reducing the environmental harm of used tyres but also committed to taking responsibility for the carbon emissions we generate. Partnering with Trace has enabled us to measure our carbon footprint and supports us in managing and reducing our impact effectively.

To minimise our ecological footprint we have introduced several initiatives. These include procuring renewable energy, implementing sustainability guidelines for procurement, travel, and events, and enhancing our offices' waste management system. To improve waste management at our primary office, we've introduced a FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) and CDS (Container Deposit Scheme) bin system, along with source separation bins for products that cannot be recycled through traditional streams, such as blister packs and batteries.

Trace certification logo with date

These actions are just the beginning of our journey to reducing our environmental impact, we will continue to learn and expand our initiatives along the way. Despite our current measures, our business operations will still produce greenhouse gas emissions. To mitigate the impact of these emissions, we have accounted for our scope 1,2 and 3 emissions through investments in carbon offsets. Investing in carbon offsets enables us to contribute to vital projects both domestically and internationally that reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. We invest in projects supported by Trace that are certified by Gold Standard or Verra Verified carbon standard (VCS) and align with our organisational values.

To date, TSA is proud to support 5 impactful projects to offset our scope 1,2 & 3 emissions:

  1. Efficient cookstoves, Nepal 25%
  2. Generating clean wind energy, India 5%
  3. Coorong Lakes Biodiversity Conservation, Australia 25%
  4. Cool Fire Traditional Land Management, Australia 11%
  5. Katingan Peatlands Conservation, Indonesia 34%

To learn more about TSA carbon neutral certification and the projects we support, see our profile on Trace's website