Material Circularity of Management Options for Tyres and Conveyor Belts

Tyres and conveyor belts are complex, highly engineered products whose composition can differ significantly depending on their use.

The core elements of tyres and conveyor belts are steel, carbon black, and natural and synthetic rubber. The rubber is vulcanised around steel and textile reinforcement to form the robust products we recognise.

In the context of the transition towards a more circular economy, numerous management options exist across a product’s life cycle stages to increase the recovery and recycling rates and facilitate the transition from wasted resources to valuable materials.


The report aims to support the ongoing development of and investment in management options that are most aligned with the principles of the circular economy and the waste hierarchy.

The results are presented in the ‘Options Assessment Tool, ' which illustrates the indicative level of material circularity for each management option and its alignment with the waste hierarchy.

Next steps

This Report is a beginning. We invite suggestions for future iterations. TSA consulted with members of various industries during its development. They have identified its value and the opportunity to expand the analysis to include specific metrics in future iterations. We also look forward to sharing a digital version of the tool for your exploration soon.

The report

Click here to download the report.