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TSA News > TSA launches new Strategic Plan 2020-2023

TSA launches new Strategic Plan 2020-2023

25 June 2020

Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) has mapped its 2020-2023 strategy against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). TSA’s mission to ensure the sustainable management, recycling and productive use of end of life tyres is now underpinned by 5 of these SDGs:

The SDGs have contributed to the development of TSA’s Strategic Plan, which concentrates on five priorities.


  1. Increase used tyre recovery and end markets.
  2. Continue to improve data and information on all used tyre fates, both in Australia and overseas.
  3. Growth in the number of organisations contributing to and participating in the Tyre Stewardship Scheme.
  4. TSA is a trusted entity, building relationships and value for its stakeholders.
  5. TSA is a significant contributor to the global circular economy for end-of-life tyres.

For a full download of the strategy including details of how TSA will support these goals, please click here

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